Wednesday 25 February 2009

Why is it so important to stay informed?

Nowadays it’s total normal for our society to get the news from the internet, newspaper or from the newscast. But why is it so important to stay informed? That’s why I’d like to talk about few issues, which deal with the daily news.

First of all it’s very indispensable for everybody, to know what happens in his environment. I think everybody indulges a hobby and Medias are a possibility to get new and actual information about his passion. It’s a source for your own lifestyle. It offers you a chance to be up to date about fashion, music or stars. But that could also be a negative, if Medias control your life and manipulate your character. Mainly younger people are easier to affect with the Medias.

My second paragraph I dedicate to the position of news in our society. News and Medias attained a high position in our community. I think it’s an important source of income, because it has formed a basic stage for advertisements. It’s also necessary to get information to be up to date. Our society requires that you know and understand what goes on in the politic or in the national community.

Another example is, that everybody should be ready and prepared if there are any problems. The newspaper could give you any information you may desire for a state of emergency. In the past, the people couldn’t use these possibilities from today. They couldn’t be warned if there was a snowslide or a critical situation in another country. We could be very lucky that we have the chance to avoid a huge number of victims or to relieve the distress.

Last but not least I’d like to emblaze the aspect for the democracy. In my opinion the news play a huge role for the democracy and for our future. The TV, newspaper or the internet give us the information, which we need to change and form the future of our country. From where else do you get the relevant disclosures? The population could announce their opinion about the economic conditions or the elections. It’s the only way to broaden your horizon, because without these chances you would only know the local party and would only vote for them and can’t experience any other ideologies.

All things considered I think the newspaper have rightly an important factor in the society and community. They affect our life, positive and negative. But the most convincing issue is that they could save you from bigger harm, because they warn the population. There are so many ways to achieve this information. Lazy people could watch TV, people in rush have the chance to get clever with the internet and people who want to spend time the whole morning, can use the newspaper.

Monday 23 February 2009


This statistic shows us how dramatic the financial crisis is at the moment. It’s an insight of the month March 2008 until February 2009. The x-axis shows the months and the y-axis demonstrates the number of shares from this company. In common the line is tending downward permanently since July. At the beginning the shares staid very constant and in March it reached the final peak with about 8812 shares in March and July, but then the line is falling continually. Above all at the end of September the line dropped abrupt until December. In January the crisis is tending to recover and rise very slowly

Monday 2 February 2009

Elmstreet 24

Mr. Chris Gaver
Miami Ink
1344 Washington Ave
Miami, FL 33139, USA
Dear Mr. Chris Gaver

Application for the tattooist position

On your homepage there is an information that Miami Ink is looking for a young tattooist. I would like to apply for the free position. I noticed Miami Ink on the TV and I enjoyed your show. Since this moment, I’ve became a very big fan from the tattoo scene.

After the school leaving examination (Matura), I joined the Art and Graphic Study in Klagenfurt. I made my apprenticeship in the best tattoo shop in Austria; it’s called “Primeval Art”. I staid 4 years in this store and I educate myself through these years. I’m very experienced in Japanese and Tribal Art and I think Miami Ink would be the best way to broaden my mind.

I’m a very honest and reliable worker. I have also sent my work and art folder as a little example for my ability. This job could be a possibility to upgrade my English know-ledges. For me, there is no problem to leave this life behind and move to Miami.
I can be reached anytime via my cell phone 912-344-000. I hope I could convince you and get the chance for a job interview.

Yours sincerely,
William Mooney

Sunday 11 January 2009

The Struggle for Beauty-Correction

Beauty is a big topic in our society and has become an important part of our society and everyday life. We all want to look like the good-looking models in the newspapers or on TV and change our appearance, just for reaching this goal. There are also good and bad aspects to this philosophy of life.
First of all, I’ll start with the good aspects. Nowadays it’s totally normal, when you had a plastic surgery and so it’s not a taboo anymore. If you have an inferiority complex about a part of your body, like small breasts or a lot of wrinkles, which make you feel ugly, plastic surgery is the perfect solution. It would give you new courage and more self-confidence.
But if you look beautiful, the people expect from you that you’re cute and sweet every day, they don’t care about your mood. It’s like a test, which you have to pass successfully every hour and minute. They often aren’t interested and can’t understand that there are situations in which you can’t look pretty, because you are not in a good frame of mind.
On the one hand, beauty is evidence and sign for health and fertility. You won’t have so many problems and so many people pay attention and take care about you. Above all the opposite sex will try to get your attention. They would do everything, to make life easier for you.
On the other hand, they forget your own personality. Maybe they reduce beautiful people to their appearance. That’s why so many hand-some women and men get a job. They represent their work places. It creates a totally different impression if there’s a pretty secretary in the office, than a nasty looking one. It sounds discriminating, but that’s they way it is. People are more interested and enthusiastic about this work place, if there are a lot of attractive employees.
In my opinion, beauty is a negative phenomenon. I think it’s not good if you want to look like your idol or like a model. Our community puts people under pressure, because they don’t look beautiful in their eyes. We have forgotten to see with our “heart” again. The main part of the guilty cares the media; they all influence us with their models and plastic surgery. People spend so much money on health and beauty products only to stay young and vital and that’s the problem. For hundreds of years, the biggest dream of humanity is a long life and an everlasting youthful look. It’s really sad, that these “ugly” persons are ignored by society, although they are more intelligent and even nicer than the pretty ones, who in most cases are very arrogant.
457 words

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Group 5: different attitudes to beauty in men and women

- from a mans perspective it's an advantage (more respect than they probably should get)
- it's natural, we accept it because it's in so many cultures
- good for selfconfidence
- women allowed to look better than men
- also a man should try to look good in front of a woman

- prefers man -> women are expected to look young and beautiful
- old men look wise and experienced, old women look like witches
- women don't get as much attention than men
- makes people unhappy with this pressure
- people start to neglect themself
- discriminative tradtition, pressure on women

Additional thoughts:
- difference between men and women, created by upbringing
- nowadays the situation is changing
- now looks are important for both genders
- society should change!

Wednesday 22 October 2008

That's Me

If you see me, you would first notice that I’m corpulent. That’s the reason, why I often wear black clothes, because they don’t show any shadow and so you can’t see my flabs. I’m always wearing shirts with band prints on it. I’m a really music maniac and I think I have to show how important music is. Sometimes I put on my paisley bandana and combine it with some normal shirts. About 90 percent of my clothes for casual wear are band shirts with a lot of cool motives on it, like skulls or blood stains. I’m really proud of my natural blond hairs. About seven months I had long hairs, but when they started to curl, I made the decision to cut them. Now I have 6 millimetres long hairs, with a 3 centimetres high Iroquois. To make the Iroquois attractive I put some gel on it.
The best lifestyle would be, if you aren’t a member of a specific group like Goths or Hippies. Build your own one, with your own ideologies. You can’t be a member of such a group, because sometimes you have different opinions and you change them to be a part of the crowd. I’m not in a typical group. We are four and sometimes more boys, with total different opinions and music tastes.
You should enjoy your life, but even care about your job or school. Music and my religion are the biggest influences. I can‘t live without my music, its relaxation for me and I can relieve the whole stress and forget all the troubles. I’m listening very aggressive music, but also it changed my opinion about politics. Since I’m a fan of System of a down, it changed my life completely. I look critical on the Iraq politic and I’m an enemy of Bush. If my visions are blinded, I look for a shelter in my religion. I think God shows me the right way I should handle. I have five attitudes towards my life, which I try to achieve. Stick out of the crowd, make new changes, stay positive, be honest to yourself, and care about your friends and family.-361 words-

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Review about the book

Review about the book
The book is about Charlie, a 15 year old boy, who cries a lot; sometimes he didn’t need a reason. He writes down his experience he writes down his experience he could collected during the first year in high-school. It’s like a diary, but his story are quite more interesting than others.

Charlie is an outsider in his school, but soon he met Patrick and his beautiful sister Sam. After some days Charlie got a very close friend of them, but nevertheless he got confronted with a lot of problems, which started with their friendship. Bill, his teacher, is also becoming a good friend of him, he gave Charlie many books to read, which he really read in his free time.
With his friends he always went to the Big Boy or to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Too early he became involved in business from older people, like drugs, abortion, abuses, rapes and homosexuality. He acted older than he really is. During the whole book he had a crush on Sam. Finally when he had the chance to become her boyfriend, he realised that it would be better to stay together as friends.

In my opinion it’s the best book I’ve ever read, but that means nothing, because I always like the latest book I’ve read. I can imagine that there are people who have such a crazy and interesting life. I really had the feeling that I’m his anonymous friend and sometimes you get the impression that you are Charlie! The book is easy to read and I liked the explaining of the vocabularies at the lower right side.