Monday 2 February 2009

Elmstreet 24

Mr. Chris Gaver
Miami Ink
1344 Washington Ave
Miami, FL 33139, USA
Dear Mr. Chris Gaver

Application for the tattooist position

On your homepage there is an information that Miami Ink is looking for a young tattooist. I would like to apply for the free position. I noticed Miami Ink on the TV and I enjoyed your show. Since this moment, I’ve became a very big fan from the tattoo scene.

After the school leaving examination (Matura), I joined the Art and Graphic Study in Klagenfurt. I made my apprenticeship in the best tattoo shop in Austria; it’s called “Primeval Art”. I staid 4 years in this store and I educate myself through these years. I’m very experienced in Japanese and Tribal Art and I think Miami Ink would be the best way to broaden my mind.

I’m a very honest and reliable worker. I have also sent my work and art folder as a little example for my ability. This job could be a possibility to upgrade my English know-ledges. For me, there is no problem to leave this life behind and move to Miami.
I can be reached anytime via my cell phone 912-344-000. I hope I could convince you and get the chance for a job interview.

Yours sincerely,
William Mooney

1 comment:

Guenter said...

"On your homepage there is an information that Miami Ink is looking for a young tattooist" --> I'm writing to apply for the position as a ... as advertised on your webpage ...
I first noticed ..., and I've enjoyed your show ever since.
I've become ...
a fan of the tatoo scene
I studied Art and Graphics
I served my apprenticeship
the shop ... which is called ...
to stay - stayed
I completed / broadened my education / training ...
I've sent you my ... folder so you can judge my abilities for yourself
the job would be an opportunity for me to improve my English