Friday 16 November 2007

Live after Death

Sometimes I'm really scared of dying. I hope there will be a life after would be so horrible if there's nothing after death. Imagine: you lay in a coffin and wait that little worms eats you! I'm praying to god, that he is alive and gives us a place next to him. The possibility of re-incarnation is the worst thing I've ever heard. We have one life and everybody has ONE chance to do the best.
I think, you have to discover a black long tunnel, with a beautiful light at the end. While you go through it, you can see all ancestors (Vorfahren), who lived before. At last, you can see your whole life passing; only the bad things let you feel a burning in your body and make you feel sad. If you can bear this, you are allowed to enter heaven! I also think, everybody can bear this, and god gives everybody a chance to enter this beautiful place!
If God exist, I will welcome the grim reaper.

172 words

1 comment:

Guenter said...

"if there were nothing ..." - conjunctive!
"lay" = legen; "lie" = liegen
"worms eat"
"at last" = schlussendlich

- what you write is fluent, some good vocab, but be more careful with regard to grammar and vocabulary - there are quite a few mistakes