Monday 26 November 2007

Task 2 exam

I think not every photo is art. For example art is something that makes me think and conveys emotions like sadness or cheerfulness. A very important aspect is, a picture’s goal should be the uniqueness. Everybody should see something else. The best pictures or photos, gives you the feeling to be a part of this scenery.
A full-spread canvas with a lot of colours can’t be called art, because everybody is able to do this. What I find amazing is, creating an atmosphere with your imagination or painting from nature.
This picture isn’t art for me. I can’t see any emotions or a deeper sense in it! A woman with a shovel in her hand can be depicted in a garden magazine but shouldn’t be exhibited in a museum. I have to add that I like the colours; they convey the impression of a warm day like in spring.
~149 words


Dear David,
Last Monday, I saw a very horrible picture. The idea and the emotions, which the picture conveys are very amazing. Maybe you know it; it’s called “The Problem we all live with”. It depicts five people, a little black girl between four white police men. The painting is by Norman Rockwell.
The picture shows, how racist our community was! On the wall in the background, somebody wrote “Nigger”. I think the Deputy US Marshalls protect the little girl. I wonder how. They bear no weapons.
You also can see a smashed tomato on the ground. First I thought it was blood, which is onto the street. Very mysterious, that only the black girl wears white clothes and the men wear brown and grey suits. They don’t look like policemen, because they look very rich and high-class. I think Norman Rockwell wants to show that white people didn’t have a clean record.
Maybe the black girl is on her way to school, because she carries some books! I’m quite sure that the men didn’t really protect her. It’s only pretence. The men behind her keep distance. They are only protecting themselves. The tomato was a new one. I think it was aimed at the girl.
The picture is really well painted and the message makes me think. Racism is a very big problem, because a lot of people hide their true feelings.
That is my own opinion and I’m quite keen to read yours. I also put a copy of the picture to the letter. I hope you like it.
Yours, Simon
~263 words

Friday 16 November 2007

Live after Death

Sometimes I'm really scared of dying. I hope there will be a life after would be so horrible if there's nothing after death. Imagine: you lay in a coffin and wait that little worms eats you! I'm praying to god, that he is alive and gives us a place next to him. The possibility of re-incarnation is the worst thing I've ever heard. We have one life and everybody has ONE chance to do the best.
I think, you have to discover a black long tunnel, with a beautiful light at the end. While you go through it, you can see all ancestors (Vorfahren), who lived before. At last, you can see your whole life passing; only the bad things let you feel a burning in your body and make you feel sad. If you can bear this, you are allowed to enter heaven! I also think, everybody can bear this, and god gives everybody a chance to enter this beautiful place!
If God exist, I will welcome the grim reaper.

172 words