Wednesday 12 December 2007

Snow falling on Cedars

Ishmael’s Childhood:
In his childhood, he was working at strawberry fields together with other workers. One of them was Hatsue, a Japanese girl which was born in America. Both were very good friends and after a while, they felt more than friendship. Ishmael and Hatsue found a secret place, a big cedar and so they spend their time under it. Ishmael loved her so much; he would do everything for her. Since then they met them under the cedar every day. But after a while, Hatsue couldn’t love him, because a lot of American people hated Japanese. They thought all Japanese were the same murderer, which wanted to erase the American popularity. Hatsue know that she had to marry a Japanese boy and so she killed and hid her feelings for him and Ishmael became very sad.

The grown-up Ishmael:
After the II. World War, he looked for Hatsue, because she was the only girl he ever loved. All this years, he missed her hair and her smell and he’d like to spent time with her again. Sometimes he went to the cedar and thought about his good days with his big love. But Hatsue married Kabuo. Ishmael’s lovesickness began to grow and he tried everything to get her love back! Hatsue is honestly and stayed by Kabuo. She got out of his way and didn’t look to him, when they met. Ishmael hates Kabuo and so he didn’t show his evidence, which could speak Kabuo free from a very unfair trial.

At the End of the Novel:
Ishmael and Hatsue became reconciled and worked in a team to help Kabuo. Ishmael became clear and he didn’t want to loose her. He thought that it would be better, when they became friends again. Together they found the evidence, which spoke Kabuo free! Ishmael also learned to accept her as a friend and Hatsue told him that he should find a new girlfriend.

~322 words

Monday 26 November 2007

Task 2 exam

I think not every photo is art. For example art is something that makes me think and conveys emotions like sadness or cheerfulness. A very important aspect is, a picture’s goal should be the uniqueness. Everybody should see something else. The best pictures or photos, gives you the feeling to be a part of this scenery.
A full-spread canvas with a lot of colours can’t be called art, because everybody is able to do this. What I find amazing is, creating an atmosphere with your imagination or painting from nature.
This picture isn’t art for me. I can’t see any emotions or a deeper sense in it! A woman with a shovel in her hand can be depicted in a garden magazine but shouldn’t be exhibited in a museum. I have to add that I like the colours; they convey the impression of a warm day like in spring.
~149 words


Dear David,
Last Monday, I saw a very horrible picture. The idea and the emotions, which the picture conveys are very amazing. Maybe you know it; it’s called “The Problem we all live with”. It depicts five people, a little black girl between four white police men. The painting is by Norman Rockwell.
The picture shows, how racist our community was! On the wall in the background, somebody wrote “Nigger”. I think the Deputy US Marshalls protect the little girl. I wonder how. They bear no weapons.
You also can see a smashed tomato on the ground. First I thought it was blood, which is onto the street. Very mysterious, that only the black girl wears white clothes and the men wear brown and grey suits. They don’t look like policemen, because they look very rich and high-class. I think Norman Rockwell wants to show that white people didn’t have a clean record.
Maybe the black girl is on her way to school, because she carries some books! I’m quite sure that the men didn’t really protect her. It’s only pretence. The men behind her keep distance. They are only protecting themselves. The tomato was a new one. I think it was aimed at the girl.
The picture is really well painted and the message makes me think. Racism is a very big problem, because a lot of people hide their true feelings.
That is my own opinion and I’m quite keen to read yours. I also put a copy of the picture to the letter. I hope you like it.
Yours, Simon
~263 words

Friday 16 November 2007

Live after Death

Sometimes I'm really scared of dying. I hope there will be a life after would be so horrible if there's nothing after death. Imagine: you lay in a coffin and wait that little worms eats you! I'm praying to god, that he is alive and gives us a place next to him. The possibility of re-incarnation is the worst thing I've ever heard. We have one life and everybody has ONE chance to do the best.
I think, you have to discover a black long tunnel, with a beautiful light at the end. While you go through it, you can see all ancestors (Vorfahren), who lived before. At last, you can see your whole life passing; only the bad things let you feel a burning in your body and make you feel sad. If you can bear this, you are allowed to enter heaven! I also think, everybody can bear this, and god gives everybody a chance to enter this beautiful place!
If God exist, I will welcome the grim reaper.

172 words

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Letter to the editor

Dear editor,
last week I read your very interesting article about the exhibition in the "Brooklyn Museum". It was about Chris Ofili's "Virgin Mary, who is surrounded with elephant dung!
I was really shocked, nobody is allowed to "drag someone's faith in the mud!" I can understand, that mayor Giuliani was angry. In the Islam, there is nobody allowed to paint their prophet or god, but why is it allowed to depict "Virgin Mary" so ridiculously. I'm not agaist religious picture, only against such irreverent pictures. There's a law, "Free speech and opinion", but that is going too far.
Art which shocks, is dangerous for our community, because it shows a wrong world. It can change someone's mind, but shocking art doesn't miss their goals. "They get a lot of attention!"
I'm sorry for the mayor, that he loste the battle, because the exhibition should be closed!
Yours Simon

~149 Words

Thursday 3 May 2007

A Cry in the Night

Two weeks ago I have visited my good friend Mr. Rochester. He was a very rich man and had a big house with a beautiful garden. I stayed one week, it was the best holiday, and I’ve ever had. God thanks, because he invited other friends and we played every day interesting games. We ate a lot, had a lot of fun and I always slept like a stone. But one day there happend a very strange thing.
I was very tired and I went early to bed, but I didn’t find any sleep. I laid a lot of hours in bed, and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. Suddenly I heard a horrible noise. It continued, it was a man who shouted, “Help! Help!”
And there was another noise, an animal like noise. I stood up, took my bathrobe and rush to the old door. I opened it slowly and look on the corridor. There wasn’t anything, but then I saw a strange shadow running up the stairs. The person run very fast and it had a hunchbacked posture.
Next to me there was a little chest of drawers with a candle on it. I took it and followed the person. Quickly I run upstairs and looked for the “monster”. Downstairs I heard the people calling,”What was that?”
I went on and at the end of that corridor there was a mystery door. It was open and I creep near the door. I looked through the door crack and I saw a young woman. Suddenly she stood up and attacked me, but then she was moved away. I was so afraid, that I turned around and rushed to my room.
“There is a monster. Please help me!” I cried. When I arrived my room, I quickly locked the door and laid in my bed.
The next day I left Mr. Rochester’s house and I promise I will never return.

Monday 16 April 2007


3) The killing of Nancy

Young prostitute was strike dead

London (S.K.,A.D.). Last night a young girl was found in
an old apartment. The police think that the young woman
was killed by a stick and they don't exclude the murderer
was a jealousy offence. A good friend of the prostitute
told the police, something interesting: The girl maybe
sneaks something about the “notorious pickpocket gang” on.
The woman was identified as Nancy and she was a member of
the “notorious pickpocket gang”. Nancy W. was living in
this apartment with the criminal Bill Sikes. The man was
very rude and Nancy’s lover. Maybe he was her pimp. Bill
is using a wooden stick and so the police make a decision:
he is the murderer. He is the owner of a dangerous dog
with the name “Bulls-Eye”. The police ask for some
indication of the stay from Mr. Sikes. He has long black
hair and a full beard. His dog is white and “Bill-Eye” has
a black spot around his left eye.
Her best friend Alice McKee told reporters,: Nancy was a
honest girl. She has a bad fate, she works as a prostitute
since she was 13. now she is 17. I found her dead and
blood smeared in Bill’s apartment. He was very rude to her
and other persons. I think Bill is capable of the
Please inform the police for other indications.

237 words

Saturday 17 March 2007


August 1861 Interview The Victorian Newspaper

S: Hello, my name is Tom Saygood. I have a question. Do you want to answer me some questions? I am a reporter, from “The Victorian Newspaper”.
B: Is it an interview? Ok, but hurry up. I have to go to my family, I was working the whole day.
S: What’s your name?
B: My name is Bert Faraway.
S: Who is that little child beside you?
B: That is James, my little son, he is 9 years old!
S: What is your job?
B: I work in a mine and I have to dig for iron. My boss sells hardware, like iron bars or railway carriage.
S: James, do you work too?
J: Yes, we are very poor and I have to work on a cotton field, Sir. The farmer is very strict and treated us workers very bad.
S: How long do you have to work?
J: 10-11 Hours a day…and I earn 2 pounds a year, but that's not enough.
B: I work about 12-13 hours a day and I earn only 5 pounds a year. It is always a shock for me, when the food prices get higher.
S: That’s terrible! For so much and hard work, you have to earn more!
B: I know but I have to take care of my family. I have 4 children; 1 son and 3 daughters. My wife is terminally ill and she will die, if I don’t go to work. My other children live in unhuman condition. They don't get enough food or clothes.
S: What has happened to your wife? Why does she suffer?
B: My wife also worked in a mine, in a coalmine, but her lungs are plugged with coal dust. I think she will die in some weeks, if I don't get enought money. I can't look for a doctor, he will be to expensive.
S: Who looks for the children?
B: Don’t worry, they work! My other 3 daughters are servants, by rich families.
J: Last I have seen them 5 months ago! I miss my sisters so much.
B: Be quiet! They must work, we need the money! I will tell you something: A lot of my children steal to feed our family. Meat is very rare and at christmas we can eat steak, but it don't feed us. We eat every day potatoes, because we can't buy expensiv food.
S: I think, there must happen something…that are criminal times and I think there are no freedom left. Thank you for these 5 minutes, Tom and James. Here a little present for you, please wait. Ah…1 pound!
J: Thank you Sir.
B: God should bless you.
S: No problem…I hope, this article will help, to wake the people. They should do something against this exploitation. Good Bye.
J: Good Bye.
B: Good Bye.