Tuesday 29 April 2008


Violence and violence in the media
Violence is becoming one of the biggest problems in our community. A lot of parents and many critics claim that children are influenced by cruel movies, but are they right?
Medved has attacked the movie industry and he's pointed out 4 big lies! Violent and bloody films are what the public want, which is true in a way as the cinemas are bursting at the seams. Every week hundreds of new brutal movies are released. Medved argues non-violent films are more successful. I don't hate such entertainment, but the film studios exaggerate so I partly agree with him. According to him, that the audience doesn't have to watch it. However public is talking about those shocking films and clips are shown in a lost of advertisements. So you can't really escape. I agree here too. The lie about the "big" success which the movies can achieve. Everybody knows that the non-violent films are much more popular and the take in a lot of money. Disney films are the evidence for this.
For me the biggest lie is that children or older people don't become influenced by such films so I agree with Medved, too. Every day you can read in the newspaper about copycat-killers. They imitate some scenes from their favourite movie-thug, because of curiosity.
So in short I think the violence on TV contributes to big part of the violence in everyday life as every child could watch those movies, without the approval of their parents. It's fun for the younger ones but they'll soon imitate these gags. In my opinion such films should be shown later. Not only TV is to blame for the violence, there are other aspects which influence children. Violence is also the result of a learning process, frustration and it's an instinct.
We should set an example and don't give vent to our aggressive feelings. If we look through the facts we will see that cruel movies aren't successful, influence younger people, but the community forces us to put up with the violence. If the parents change the children’s ideals early, we are well on the way to a peaceful world. There are so many ways to bundle up our aggression, like doing sport activities.
I come to the conclusion that the violence in the media is playing too big a part, it influence us in a negative way, therefore we should do sport!
~406 words